Think Pink, Self-test is Self-care!

For over 6 years now, we have been a proud partner of Think Pink Europe making us over the years, the biggest donator to the organization! This year again, we have decided to continue our partnership and launch our sixth limited edition where 1€ per brush and 5€ per scissors sold are donated to Think Pink Europe. With this edition, we really wanted to put the focus on the importance of self-care as we really believe that self-care can prevent many things such as breast cancer. In this article, discover different point of view on self-care, Think Pink, and many more.

Self-Care Can Prevent Many Things, Including Breast Cancer – Self-Testing is Self-Care!

At Olivia Garden, we aim to raise awareness about breast cancer and the importance of self-care. We’ve gathered insights from a cancer survivor, a Think Pink representative, an Olivia Garden teammate, and ambassadors, all sharing their views on Think Pink and self-care.

They answered these questions:

  • For me, self-care is…
  • My favorite way of self-care is…
  • I would give women the advice of…
  • My self-care routine consists of…
  • Self-care made a big difference in my life when…
  • The “Self-test is Self-Care” tagline means for me…
  • I think Think Pink is…
  • Supporting Think Pink is supporting…
  • I believe Think Pink is doing…
  • The first time I heard about Think Pink was…
  • If I had a superpower, it would be…
  • My favorite feature(s) about me is/are…


At 36, Sahand was diagnosed with both breast cancer and Hodgkin lymphoma. Today, she loves her brows and lashes, which she lost during treatment.

Advice for women: Sahand advises monthly self-testing after periods to monitor breast health.

Supporting Think Pink: Sahand sees supporting Think Pink as supporting women everywhere. She uses this campaign to spread awareness.


Chantal, diagnosed with breast cancer eight years ago, now works for Think Pink Europe.

Her superpower: Chantal’s superpower would be to put smiles on everyone’s face.

Favorite self-care activity: Cycling in nature to relax the body and mind.

Chantal explains how partnerships with companies like Olivia Garden help fight breast cancer.


Cindy has been with Olivia Garden since 2019 and represents the limited edition Fingerbrush Think Pink.

Superpower: Cindy would love to read minds.

Advice for women: Make time for yourself to maintain balance in life.

Think Pink: Cindy admires the dedication of Think Pink Europe and is proud that €1 from each Fingerbrush sold is donated to the organization.

Our Ambassadors

Discover the insights from Malvina Saiu (Belgian hairdresser), Amber Letham (Scottish hairdresser), and Jod’hair (French hairdresser).

Malvina Saiu

For me, self-care is: Malvina takes at least 30 minutes a day for herself, focusing on balanced nutrition, sleep, and mental health.

Think Pink: Malvina appreciates Think Pink Europe for raising breast cancer awareness and helping those affected.

Amber Letham

“Self-test is Self-care” means: Amber stresses the importance of caring for both the inside and outside of our bodies through self-testing.

Amber’s self-care routine: Drinking water, moisturizing, and styling her hair with Olivia Garden brushes.


For me, self-care is: Jordan takes care of his mental and physical well-being through simple, essential gestures.

Supporting Think Pink is supporting: Jordan believes supporting Think Pink means supporting everyone impacted by breast cancer, including moms, sisters, and friends.

Join the Self-Care Club!

We’d love to hear your thoughts on self-care and breast cancer awareness. Send us a DM on Instagram or TikTok (@oliviagarden_eu). Or, create a video answering these questions and tag us with #OGSelfcareClub!